Types of services
- Uniformed Armed and Unarmed security officers
- Dedicated patrol (via foot, bicycle or vehicle)
- Plain clothed officers
- Personal Protection
- Surveillance
- Access Control

Types of service
Public and Private sectors
Construction Sites
Shopping Centers
Medical facilities
BIDS Districts

Patrol Vehicle
The vehicle is as contracted and includes purchase cost, equipment, insurance, maintenance and fuel. GSSi will contract with local vendors to clean and repair the vehicle.
The equipment includes the following:
- Bluetooth
- GPS System
- Security Contractor Logo and professional lettering that identifies the vehicle.
- Roof top mounted emergency led light bar (yellow flashing lights, front spot, alley lights)
- Yellow scene management (“SECURITY”) tape
- Dash Camera
- PA System
- Fire Extinguishers
- First Aid Bag
- Orange Cones
- Flares